Programma eventi giapponesi BCBF 2023

Scopri tutti gli eventi legati all’editoria giapponese
che si terranno durante la
Bologna Children’s Book Fair
dall’8 al 12 aprile 2024 in fiera e in città


Lunedì 8 aprile/Monday April 8th 2024

Hall 26 Stand B57 Nijinoehonya publishing house – 10:00

Marionette Performance.

Hall 29 MALL 2 Licensing Conference Room10:30 – 11:00


Il gigante editoriale giapponese Kodansha è un produttore leader di IP manga. Negli ultimi anni ha sviluppato strategie di licensing che aiutano a estendere le sue IP al di là dei manga, per diventare marchi iconici applicati ai consumer products e non solo. Al centro dell’intervista, le strategie che stanno alla base del crossover tra i contenuti di Kodansha e lo sviluppo di consumer products, le più importanti tendenze internazionali riguardo i manga, interessanti e attuali da seguire anche per il pubblico.


Yulia Amano, Senior International Licensing Manager, Kodansha Ltd, Giappone.

Organizzato da

Bologna Licensing Trade Fair/Kids

In collaborazione con

Licensing Magazine

Nell’ambito di

International Kids Licensing Days, Comics Corner

Hall 26 Stand B57 Nijinoehonya publishing house – 11:00

Marionette & Picture Book Performance, Signing Session  by TheWorthless

TheWorthless sono una Jug band giapponese di Tokyo. Quattro baffi canterini e una marionetta danzante. Cantano, suonano e leggono gli albi illustrati come film.

TheWorthless  are a Japanese jug band formed in tokyo. It consists of  singing 4 beard, and dancing marionnette. We don’t only sing a song but also read picture-books like a movie .

Hall 26 Stand B57 Nijinoehonya publishing house – 13:00

Marionette & Picture Book Performance, Signing Session  by TheWorthless

TheWorthless sono una Jug band giapponese di Tokyo. Quattro baffi canterini e una marionetta danzante. Cantano, suonano e leggono gli albi illustrati come film.

TheWorthless  are a Japanese jug band formed in tokyo. It consists of  singing 4 beard, and dancing marionnette. We don’t only sing a song but also read picture-books like a movie .

Hall 30  Translators Cafe – 13:00 – 14:00

Lecture: Italian Children’s Books in Japan 2024      IT EN

INADA Shuko, Librarian at the Italian Culture Institute of Tokyolibrarian at the Italian Culture Institute of Tokyo, will present an analysis on the tendencies seen in translated editions of Italian children’s books in Japan, together with a presentation of recent titles introduced to the Japanese market, and some of the translators who have distinguished themselves in this field.

Hall 26 Stand B57 Nijinoehonya publishing house – 16:00

Marionette & Picture Book Performance, Signing Session  by TheWorthless

TheWorthless sono una Jug band giapponese di Tokyo. Quattro baffi canterini e una marionetta danzante. Cantano, suonano e leggono gli albi illustrati come film.

TheWorthless  are a Japanese jug band formed in tokyo. It consists of  singing 4 beard, and dancing marionnette. We don’t only sing a song but also read picture-books like a movie .

Martedì 9 aprile/ Tuesday April 9th 2023

Hall 26 Stand B57 Nijinoehonya publishing house – 10:00

Portfolio Review by Aya Ishii (Nijinoehonya publisher) and Naoko Takano (Editor, International Publishing Coordinator).

Hall 29 C/16   JF & JBBY Joint Booth  – 10:30 – 11:30

Portfolio Review by KAKINOKIHARA Masahiro, art director

*Please book in advance by Monday 16:30 at the JF & JBBY Joint Booth

10:30 – 10:45 Portfolio Review 1

10:45 – 11:00 Portfolio Review 2

11:00 – 11:15 Portfolio Review 3

11:15 – 11:30 Portfolio Review 4

Hall 29 C/16   JF & JBBY Joint Booth – 12:00 – 12:30

Kamishibai Performance: JP EN

NOZAKA Etsuko, translator and one of the founders of the International Kamishibai Association of Japan (IKAJA), will perform three kamishibai, Grow Grow Grow Bigger!, Wapper the Kind Monster and Mr. Cook in a Sulky Mood.

Hall 26 Stand B57 Nijinoehonya publishing house – 12:00

Marionette & Picture Book Performance, Signing Session  by TheWorthless

TheWorthless sono una Jug band giapponese di Tokyo. Quattro baffi canterini e una marionetta danzante. Cantano, suonano e leggono gli albi illustrati come film.

TheWorthless  are a Japanese jug band formed in tokyo. It consists of  singing 4 beard, and dancing marionnette. We don’t only sing a song but also read picture-books like a movie .

Hall 29 C/13   Fukuinkan Shoten *Walk-ins welcome – 12:00 

An Author Talk with Dr. Shinichi Fukuoka

Welcoming the bestselling author Dr. Shinichi Fukuoka as he talks about his first picture book for children, Dynamic Equilibrium In The Life Of Fireflies. Dr. Fukuoka is a molecular biologist. He has published many books that re-examine the nature of life from the perspective of dynamic equilibrium theory.
At the author talk, he will discuss what dynamic equilibrium in our life is and how he expresses his unique scientific idea to children.

Hall 26 Stand B57 Nijinoehonya publishing house – 13:00

Live painting performance, signing session by Karina Tanabe Jones

Karina is a London based Sashiko (Japanese embroidery) artist with a long background in costume and fashion. From a young age Karina loved drawing and continued to use this skill during her years in the costume industry. In 2022, Karina co-created the children’s book “Little Tomei” with the Nijino Ehonya Bookshop in Japan. The book is a family creation, written by her mother Atsuko and illustrated by herself and her father Roy.

Hall 29 C/16   JF & JBBY Joint Booth – 14:00 – 14:30

Mini Lecture:  Where to Encounter Children’s Books in Japan: Museums, Libraries and Bookstores     EN

If you are interested in picture books and want to travel to Japan, come and listen to FUKUI Chie, Assistant Director of the Resources and Information Division at the International Library of Children’s Literature (ILCL), National Diet Library, who will give you some tips on the best places to enjoy picture books: fascinating picture book museums, active libraries with the best children’s sections, must visit bookshops and more!

Hall 26 Stand B57 Nijinoehonya publishing house – 14:30

Marionette & Picture Book Performance, Signing Session  by TheWorthless

TheWorthless sono una Jug band giapponese di Tokyo. Quattro baffi canterini e una marionetta danzante. Cantano, suonano e leggono gli albi illustrati come film.

TheWorthless  are a Japanese jug band formed in tokyo. It consists of  singing 4 beard, and dancing marionnette. We don’t only sing a song but also read picture-books like a movie .

Hall 29 C/16    JF & JBBY Joint Booth  – 15:00 – 15:30

Book Talk:   JP EN

FURIYA Nana, illustrator and author, jury member of the Illustrators Exhibition 2022 and illustrator for the IBBY International Children’s Book Day poster 2024 will present her recent works.

Hall 29 C/16    JF & JBBY Joint Booth – 16:30

JAPAN FOUNDATION JBBY Joint Booth  – Opening Reception

Catering by the Japanese restaurant Yuzuya, Bologna

Mercoledì 10 aprile/ Wednesday April 10th 2024

Hall 29 C/16    JF & JBBY Joint Booth – 10:00 – 11:00

 Portfolio Review by TAKUBO Haruka,  editor, Kodansha  [Hall 29 B/14]

*Please book in advance by Monday 16:30 at the JF & JBBY Joint Booth

10:00 – 10:15 Portfolio Review 5

10:15 – 10:30 Portfolio Review 6

10:30 – 10:45 Portfolio Review 7

10:45 – 11:00 Portfolio Review 8

Hall 26 Stand B57 Nijinoehonya publishing house – 10:30

Portfolio Review by Aya Ishii (Nijinoehonya publisher) and Naoko Takano (Editor, International Publishing Coordinator).

Hall 26 Stand B57 Nijinoehonya publishing house – 13:00

Live painting performance, signing session by Ayumi Kudo

Ayumi Kudo Born 1980 in Okayama, Japan. Graduated in Painting from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara.  Has been illustrating her unique world-views mainly through works combining images and texts, which are being published/exhibited in Europe and Japan. Won the 14th Okayama Prefectural Mr. I Development of Rising Artists Award (Grand Prize) in 2021; awards at the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2012 and 2019; and a second prize at the Premio Artivisive San Fedele 2011/2012 (Milan). Her book Hakarenai Mono wo Hakaru / Unmeasurable Things (2018), Kiss no renshu wo shite imasu / For Now, I Blow Kisses to You (2021), Kyou ha jishu ni shimasu (2023) ware published by Seigensha. She has been based in Italy since 2002, and currently lives in the outskirts of Milan with her sculptor husband and their daughter.

Hall 26 Stand B57 Nijinoehonya publishing house – 14:00

Marionette Performance.

Hall 29 C/16    JF & JBBY Joint Booth – 15:00 – 16:00

Portfolio Review by TAKANO Naoko, editor, international publishing 

15:00 – 15:15 Portfolio Review 9

15:15 – 15:30 Portfolio Review 10

15:30 – 15:45 Portfolio Review 11

15:45 – 16:00 Portfolio Review 12

Hall 29 C/16    JF & JBBY Joint Booth – 16:30 – 17:30

Portfolio Review by IIZUKA Yukiko, Foreign Rights Manager Sekai Bunka Holdings Inc. [Hall 29 Mall 1]

*Please book in advance by Monday 16:30 at the JF & JBBY Joint Booth

16:30 – 16:45 Portfolio Review 13

16:45 – 17:00 Portfolio Review 14

17:00 – 17:15 Portfolio Review 15

17:15 – 17:30 Portfolio Review 16

Authors Cafè – 17:30 – 18:30

Lecture: New Creative and Imaginary Evolutions in Japanese Picture Books    EN IT

HIROMATSU Yukiko, picture book critic and author

Through a presentation of picture books created by the most captivating artists of our times, HIROMATSU Yukiko, critic and author, will give an analysis on the characteristics of recent picture books in Japan seen in the use of creative techniques, format, printing and ways to use imagination.

Giovedì 11 aprile/ Thursday April 11th 2024

Hall 30    Translators Cafè – 11:30 – 13:30

Workshop: EHON HONYAKU DOJO Translating Japanese Picture Books into Italian  JP IT

*Please book in advance by Monday 16:30 at the JF & JBBY Joint Booth

Maria Elena TISI, University of Bologna

MORIIZUMI Ayami, Collaborator JBBY/Itabashi Art Museum

Translating a picture book requires a dive into the context of the imaginary. If this immersive journey is undertaken with fellow travelers, we may at times alight upon amazing solutions. In this workshop we will translate one or two picture books per group (five books in total selected from the JF & JBBY stand at per H29 C16) group, analyzing thoroughly both text and images.

Laboratorio: EHON HONYAKU DŌTraduzione dei libri illustrati giapponesi (in lingua italiana)

Maria Elena TISI, Universita’ degli studi di Bologna

MORIIZUMI Ayami, Collaboratrice JBBY/Itabashi Art Museum

Per tradurre un libro illustrato, dobbiamo fare un tuffo dentro il contesto immaginario. L’immersione, se fatta insieme ai compagni di viaggio, spesso aiuta ad arrivare a soluzioni sorprendenti. In questo laboratorio, lavoreremo in gruppo per tradurre (analizzare, interpretare le immagini, adattare ecc.) 1 o 2 libri per gruppo,tra un totale di 5 titoli presenti allo stand della Japan Foundation e della JBBY al H29 C16.